Valérie Tilliet

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Belly massage for women 2-redi
Belly massage for men-redi

Why take advantage?

Chi Nei Tsang belly massage, Longo dance, Energy awakenings. Chi Nei Tsang belly massage helps restore the circulation of Chi, the vital energy, in the body. It stimulates and improves organ function, relaxes deep-seated tensions, dissipates energetic, physical and emotional blockages and strengthens the organism.
Massaging the abdomen helps to improve sleep quality, digestion and transit, reduce lumbar tension and premenstrual symptoms, etc....
Chi Nei Tsang helps to digest the accumulated emotions that weigh us down (stress, fear, anxiety, anguish, sadness...) to regain relaxation, joie de vivre and vitality. Come and discover this massage from the traditions of ancient China.
A supple belly for renewed vitality. Longo: meditative anchoring dance of African origin (workshop/energy awakenings: to untie the body, re-enchant our organs and harmonize our internal energy. Open year-round.
By appointment, Monday to Saturday.
From €20 to €80

Spoken language(s)

  • French
  • English

We like

The situation:
  • On the campaign trail
  • By the river
Ideal for : Rainy weather

Means of payment

  • Bank and postal cheques
  • Species

Valérie Tilliet

2 chemin de Kermoguen
29150 Dinéault
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